Gm Gents

Thats right. I eat raw meat. And a lot of it (if you follow my Instagram you’ve seen my daily food creations)

You’ve probably been conditioned that eating anything raw = immediate botulism. But this is unfounded

Since I started prioritizing raw meat, my skin, digestion, and energy has improved. I have an inexplicable glow and lightness. I feel more vital.

Raw Meat & seafood is culinary commonplace: Tartare, Carpaccio, Ceviche, Sashimi. I grew up eating Tiger meat (redneck tartare).

I’d argue raw meat is superior to its cooked counterpart. And let me tell you why.

(Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. If you eat jank raw meat and get sick please don’t sue)

1. It tastes good

Your body's intelligent, it knows what it needs. Mine has always told me to eat raw meat.

The reason that food tastes good, why we put so many evolutionary skill points into developing an elaborate gustatory system, is to tell us what to eat.

Your cravings tell you what your body needs.

Raw Meat Good

This could be due to my poor methylation, B-vitamin deficiency, or microbiome composition. Don’t forget that we ate exclusively raw meat for the majority of human existence.

2. It makes me feel good

Cravings aside, you should be eating food that makes you feel good AFTER eating it, not just during.

Raw meat digests impeccably. I can have a pound of sirloin steak and go for a 5 mile run 30 min after

It gives me energy like no other food does (could be placebo, but who cares). I get a physical glow

Raw meat makes me feel VITAL. And that’s always my priority.

But why does raw meat make me feel good? Potentially because:

3. It Preserves Crucial Nutrients

Red meat is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet. But cooking denatures some of these key nutrients in three distinct ways:

  • Oxidation: Heat accelerates the oxidation of fats and certain vitamins

  • Thermal Denaturation: Proteins and some vitamins undergo structural changes at high temperatures (leads to nutrient loss)

  • Leaching: Water-soluble vitamins and minerals leach out of the meat into cooking liquids

Kale could never

Some crucial nutrients that can be lost via cooking:

  • CoQ10

  • B1, B6, B12

  • Zinc, magnesium (leaching)

  • Vitamin E

  • Taurine

(these happen to be all my favorites)

Nutrients aside, raw meat has unique properties because its ALIVE. Sort of:

4. Cooking Destroys Enzymes

Its not about how much nutrition you consume, its about how much nutrition you absorb. This is where enzymes come in

Enzymes = Little workers in your body and food. They break things down, build things up, and make reactions happen faster.

Think of a steak like a big puzzle. Enzymes break the big pieces into smaller ones so you can absorb their nutrients

Raw meat is loaded with enzymes. Namely:

  • Proteases: Break down proteins into smaller pieces

  • Lipases: Break down fats into smaller parts

  • Glycolytic Enzymes: Break down sugars in the meat

  • Collagenases: Break down collagen

Your body naturally produces enzymes. But most of our endogenous enzyme production is FUBAR thanks to mineral deficiencies and gut problems.

And that’s on Aajonus

Raw meat gives you a helping hand for not only digesting meat but other enzymatic functions in your body

But like all things, what you avoid is more important than what you consume. This is why I like raw meat:

5. Meat + Heat = Bad Stuff

This is why I stopped cooking meat. After 2 years of seared steak every day, I’m conscientious of the pro-aging byproducts from high-heat cooking.

1. Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs)

These form when amino acids and creatine react at high temperatures. They may be mutagenic and are correlated with colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancers

2. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

PAHs form when fat and juices from meat grilled directly over an open flame or on a hot surface drip onto the fire, causing flames. The flames contain PAHs, which then adhere to the surface of the meat.

High levels of PAHs have been linked to lung, skin, and bladder cancers.

3. Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)

AGEs form when proteins or fats combine with sugars, which occurs when cooking meat at high temperatures (The “sear” on steak is pure AGE)

AGEs are associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. They’re pro-aging and why I believe so many carnivores have that dry, leathery skin look (especially when eating meat with fruit)

4. Acrylamide

Acrylamide forms mainly in starchy foods, but it can also form in meats when fried or grilled at very high temperatures.

I don’t care what oil is used, fried food is low ROI

5. Trans Fats

Some fats can undergo partial hydrogenation when cooked at high temperatures, leading to the formation of trans fats. Trans fats are associated with an increased risk of heart disease, inflammation, and insulin resistance.

Formation of oxidized lipids and cholesterol oxidation products can also occur, leading to cardiovascular disease

A little Brisket every once & a while never hurt anybody

Will eating cooked meat kill you? No. But swapping out grilled steak for carpaccio or a slow roast is a good way to hedge your bets.

And besides, why cook when you can just eat raw:

4. Its Convenient

I can pick up quality steaks anywhere in the world, marinate in some acid and enjoy on the go. Elite nutrition on easy mode

5. Its Not as Dangerous as you Think

Is there a contamination risk? Sure. But more people get food poisoning from lettuce than red meat

Your body has natural anti-pathogenic mechanisms at every step of your digestive system (salivary enzymes, stomach acid). If you're healthy, you can tolerate it

(source: I’ve been eating raw meat and seafood almost daily for the last year and haven’t gotten sick yet)

So That is Why I Raw Meat Max

I’m not here to pontificate. You can be healthy & vital without eating raw meat. I share this to show you how one should make food decisions: By using first principles.

Godspeed and bone apple teeth


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